Friday, May 23, 2008

Power to think reigns over deceptive management

Having worked with Global companies for over eleven years, I find it absolutely deploring that IT companies are run by uneducated thugs who hire and fire professional staff. Companies with 20 to 650,000 employees all believe that young Graduates can be trapped into low wage paying roles for 24 x 7 operations. Experienced professionals are discarded from the industry after they reach 35 years of age unless they can be used as bullies , spies or informants.
It is common knowledge now that due to the heavy workload placed on young people, their life span is shortened and single males have died at ages between 38 and 45 due to their unhealthy lifestyle with little sleep and confined work environments.

Today's salesmen as we know are well dressed crooks who sell non-existant products and services. Once the sale is made the Vendors attempt to deliver the marketed product or service by desperately combing the market place.

Some companies pretend to be "multinational" by hiring multi-ethnic staff and both genders.
When the market takes a downward swing or cost cuttings become the strategy of the day, the females and the over forties are the first to be retrenched by the employer.

It is no surpsie that IT Professionals who have long been in the industry have changed their careers and moved on. Productivity and innovation are directly proportional to a trustworthy environment.

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